Meet Thinqi, the heart of your digital learning ecosystem

A good digital learning ecosystem provides your people with engaging, personalised learning content that can be incorporated into daily workflows. With processes for managing talent, driving performance and reporting on impact through smart workflows, our technology brings your teams and processes together in one central system.
Say hello to the future of learning. Say hello to Thinqi.

What do we mean by ‘digital learning ecosystem’?

The Thinqi learning system relies on the ability to link performance and improvement to learning programmes via an appropriate talent framework – which in turn helps you achieve those all-important business goals.

The benefit? You’re bringing together all pieces of the jigsaw that make up organisational performance, and have a complete picture of the areas you can encourage improvement.

Thinqi plays nicely with all your favourite apps
Discover the power of personalisation
How do you empower modern learners to take charge of their own development without leaving them feeling stranded?

Say goodbye to spoon-feeding learning content.
With a personalised learning planner, clear to-do list and smart recommendations for relevant content, Thinqi allows you to personalise learning journeys while still providing ‘scaffolding’ of support through networks and 1:1 coaching sessions. Tag and catalogue your content to provide a ‘Smartie-trail’ of resources relevant to the topics your learners most care about.
Personalise your learning
Drag slider below to view an example of a personalised login page and dashboard
Brand the learning system your way and provide easy access to high-quality learning content, additional resources, latest news, events and announcements—right when your learners need it.

Take your talent to the top

Developing your in-house talent is crucial for organisations that successfully adapt for the future of work.
Thinqi’s Talent Management solution can help with building talent pools, succession planning, leadership development, career management, performance management and engagement.
With the Thinqi learning system, you’ll be equipped with the following:
Outline the full collection of all skills, behaviours and attitudes the organisation values and evaluates
Define the skills, behaviours and attitudes a user is proficient in or has demonstrated in their role
Profile the competencies (skills, behaviours and attitudes) required to fulfil a job role or position. Use success profiles to compare the required competencies with competency profiles and develop a strategy for success
Evaluate current performance against expected competencies
Move ‘ready now’ talent into a network to nurture them until they’re ready to take on their dream role
Book your Thinqi demo today
Ready to discover what Thinqi can do for you? Our friendly learning experts are ready to help you solve your L&D challenges for good.
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