L&D insights

#WhatsYourTalent: Why talent management matters in 2020

5m reading time
Natalie Ann Holborow
Natalie Ann HolborowDigital Content Specialist

We all have our unique talents and skills.

Some of us are inspiring leaders. Some of us are natural communicators, able to make any new acquaintance feel like a long-lost friend. Some of us are fountains of creativity, and others of us are bona fide data analysts.

At Thinqi, we know the value of talent to bring out the very best in people. It’s why we do what we do so well. We’re a team made up of passionate design wizards, hawk-eyed software testers, customer success heroes and DevOps extraordinaires to name just a few of our roles.

At a time when we are all learning to adapt to a ‘new normal’, we’re here to talk about how talent management plays a key part in building organisational resilience during these current challenges. Reskilling and upskilling play a key part in closing talent gaps as we adapt to changing ways of working. For leaders, there’s a demand to be able to manage remote teams and demonstrate exemplary leadership during an unprecedented crisis.

This is why we’ll be bringing you our #WhatsYourTalent story across social media over the coming weeks. Following the lives of three employees at NewWay Training (a fictional health and safety training provider), we’ll be exploring how they adapt and engage with new ways of learning today to develop the brightest leaders of tomorrow.

We’ll be meeting L&D Manager Tom, whose role is to support aspiring leaders and managers at NewWay. His aims are to identify strengths, measure competence and target areas for improvement to help develop the next generation of leadership in his organisation. He understands the great qualities that need to be nurtured to move the organisation forward.

How will he overcome the challenges of engaging remote learners, evaluating learning interventions and convincing some of his more tech-wary stakeholders?


Then there’s Elaine, the company’s Chief Executive. She manages the overall operations at NewWay Training. Elaine is responsible for making the key decisions that affect the company’s direction and its employees. She wants to see increased revenue, engagement and staff retention, and to meet the demand for more leaders and managers in the business.

Can Elaine be convinced that blended learning can help her make the most of the talent in her organisation to achieve these overall goals? 9.jpg

Finally, there’s Josh, a trainer at NewWay. With ambitions for management, he has worked at NewWay for three years.

A natural ‘people person’, how will he adapt to this new way of blended learning? And as a father of three young children, just how will he fit his leadership training around his busy family life?


Join us as we go on a journey to explore how to adapt, engage, measure and succeed in blended learning to equip NewWay with the talent they need to help the organisation to flourish in the face of challenge.

We’ll be sharing our own talents along the way too and we’re really keen to hear yours – don’t be shy, if you’re great at something, shout about it!

Remember to include the #WhatsYourTalent hashtag when you do.


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