Summer is over and winter coats are already beginning to drape themselves behind office chairs. As the morning commute gets darker and colder, when better to brighten your day with the latest version of Thinqi?
Ever needed to tweak the Local Time Zone for reports output? Or filter your users by specific tags? Wouldn’t it be great to get the lowdown on unmarked as well as marked questions in the Learner Activity Report?
Well, now you can…plus more! Supercharged on coffee and learning expertise, our talented team have been itching to present you with a more efficient, effective and enhanced version of Thinqi than ever before.
What’s new?
More content blocks in the Playlist editor
The Playlist page template editor makes it super-easy to author content. Authoring and editing the Front Cover and Learning Outcomes templates can now be done using the simple WYSIWYG editor and hitting ‘Save’ – no advanced editor coding required anymore.
These new page templates ensure your content looks tip-top and informs your learners of what they should know, understand and be able to demonstrate by the end of your Playlist.
Local time zone report
As our international footprint grows, we know that not all of our customers work in the same time zone. This is why we are now able to change the local time zone of several reports as needed. The reports for which the local time zone can be changed include:
- Groups
- Assignments
- Playlists
- Users
- Events
- Library
Filter user list by tags
When you’ve got a lot of users on one platform, narrowing them down to specific categories can be quite a task. This is where our handy new ‘tags’ feature for users can help make things simple.
For example, perhaps you just want to find your users who specialise in ‘information technology’. Once you’ve assigned a tag to the user in the ‘User Profile Tags’ section of the Admin area, you’ll then be able to search for all members assigned that tag.
Then, simply go to your list of users, select that tag from the drop-down menu in your Admin area and voilà! All your relevant users are displayed at the touch of a button.
Check updated and inactive users
Some of your users will be busy updating or confirming their profile details. Others might have been inactive for a while. In our latest update, you can now filter inactive users within a specific time period or check who’s been making changes recently.
This is pretty important for user lifecycle management and GDPR compliance, allowing you to keep track of which users are active and have confirmed their details, and which users should be removed.
Automatic Playlist description in Library
We’ve made it quicker and easier to share Playlists to the Library. Now when you hit the share button, the description will automatically be there already – meaning less time typing up the little details and more time curating quality learning content.
Import ‘Moodle Aiken’ question banks
This one’s pretty nifty. If you’ve got question banks in Moodle that have always proven effective, you’re now able to reuse them in the Thinqi platform – saving you hours of time and effort.
Just import them in Aiken format and your multiple-choice questions will be there in seconds, all ready to launch or edit.
View unmarked questions
You might remember from our last release notes that we introduced the ability to add a mixed economy of both marked (summative) and unmarked (formative) quizzes.
While unmarked questions in Assignments won’t contribute to a learner’s overall score, you might still find it useful to see the responses. The good news is that we’ve now enabled this in the Markbook, giving you a broader overview of both formative and summative assessment. Just knowing that these practice quizzes won’t affect their mark gives learners a little more confidence with their learning.
We hope you enjoy the best experience of Thinqi yet. In the meantime, our team are already hard at work on another batch of new and improved features for future releases! There’s no stopping us at the Thinqi office. It’s what happens when great minds and a passion for continuous learning come together.
Finally, your views matter to us and we’d love to hear what you think of our latest features. Drop us a line and we’d love to hear your feedback!