Thinqi features

What's new in Thinqi? More for social learning and staying organised...

4m reading time
Steve Finch
Steve FinchCustomer Success Manager

The situation may remain fairly unchanged since the last update, but if the longer days and warmer sunshine isn’t enough to brighten your day just a little, then we’re sure our latest update will do the trick.

Thinqi is designed to promote a social constructivist learning approach and enhance social learning. In the latest update, we’ve levelled up the ability to share knowledge by enabling file-sharing within discussions and allowing users to reply with their own files.

Not only this, but you are now able to send out assignment reminders to keep today’s busy learners organised and on track with deadlines.

Result? Higher completion rates and a more organised approach for everyone.

But, of course, that’s not all. Let’s find out about what you can expect in the latest version of Thinqi.

What’s improved?

Share files in discussions

Need to send out preparatory documents prior to an upcoming assessment or training session? Want to share a useful document that provides food for thought? Or perhaps you want to send out a questionnaire with a request that learners complete it by the end of the week?

Whether it’s a Powerpoint presentation, a Word document or an image, you can now attach a file in discussions for learners to download and view. If needed, they can complete the document, then return to you via their own replies.

It’s the perfect way to create conversation around a shared information source, reinforcing the benefits of social learning and knowledge sharing within the LMS. With no external emails needed, it certainly helps keep things focused.

You will now find this handy feature in both your ‘Networks’ and ‘Classes’ apps.

No need to leave the LMS. Add-files-to-Discussions-and-Replies-768x337.jpg

Send out automated assignment reminders

Sometimes learners may need a little nudge to remind them of upcoming assignment deadlines. Today’s learners are overwhelmed with information from a variety of different channels and it can be all too easy for deadlines to slip without some form of notification in place.

To help boost those completion rates and keep learners on track, we’ve introduced the ability to send individual assignment reminders from Thinqi at a specified time before the deadline.

Line managers can also be notified when anyone in their team receives a reminder, keeping everyone in the know.


Send out email notifications for articles

In the last update, we brought you our new ‘Articles’ feature. Designed with simple content creation in mind, this easy-to-use tool is the perfect way to author your own content-rich media posts, then publish them to Thinqi.

However, the last thing you want is for that gem of an article or any breaking news stories to slip under the radar unnoticed.

Now, with the help of a simple switch, you can literally keep your learners in the know at the touch of a button by sending out an email notification whenever you upload a new article.

Click. Someone’s got mail.


Excited to discover the latest version of Thinqi for yourself? It’s time to level up your social learning and stay more organised than ever before. And who doesn’t want to see those completion rates increase?

Remember, if you have any thoughts on our new features and enhancements, we’d love to hear them. Get in touch – we’d love to hear your feedback!

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